Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Sunday, August 13, 2006
the pluto of it all
The smallest gets picked on. Always. Its never fair. Remember the time when you were at that elementary school quiz. 'Smallest planet?' they asked. You replied. Quick as a flash. Surely this competition is not this easy you thought. PLUTO. Yes PLUTO. 5 points.
Jump to now. Right now.As-me-blogging-this type of point-in-time. Pluto is threatened. The smallest could be the no-longer. What? Planet darling. Peepils of the scientific community are at it. The status of the tiniest hangs in the balance. Banished from the solar system. Ta Ta. Poor poor planet.
It makes me wonder. Ponder. What is the fuss? Why bother? Let things be. Imagine the effort needed to correct all those school textbooks. Not to mention encyclopedias, quiz books, etc.
Are we sure what we live on is a planet anymore? I mean look what we've done to her. Stripped her bare. Paraded her naked. Use her. Abuse her. Trample. Don't care. And we want to decide on the yes-planet not-planet tag of some poor mute mass. We burn our fuels silly. Burn burn burn. Tear down our rainforests. Trash the globe. Its like the morning after some college party. Only thing is the party never stops.
Maybe there is life on other planets. Plenty of it. Who knows? But one look at us and they don't wanna visit. Picture it. We look at all the before-and-after pictures from gyms, salons, the lot. Wonder what a before-and-after picture of Earth would look like. Before-and-after man(so far).Plastic surgery anyone.
And we want to decide on the planet tag of some poor mute mass. We must be the joke of the milky way. The laughing stock of all the universe. The target of the big bang. No wonder we don't get invited to any galaxy barbecues. Who would want us? The corrupt, morally bankrupt people so full of ourselves. Decadence central.
Acerbic you say. Apologies and an antacid. With my compliments.
Jump to now. Right now.As-me-blogging-this type of point-in-time. Pluto is threatened. The smallest could be the no-longer. What? Planet darling. Peepils of the scientific community are at it. The status of the tiniest hangs in the balance. Banished from the solar system. Ta Ta. Poor poor planet.
It makes me wonder. Ponder. What is the fuss? Why bother? Let things be. Imagine the effort needed to correct all those school textbooks. Not to mention encyclopedias, quiz books, etc.
Are we sure what we live on is a planet anymore? I mean look what we've done to her. Stripped her bare. Paraded her naked. Use her. Abuse her. Trample. Don't care. And we want to decide on the yes-planet not-planet tag of some poor mute mass. We burn our fuels silly. Burn burn burn. Tear down our rainforests. Trash the globe. Its like the morning after some college party. Only thing is the party never stops.
Maybe there is life on other planets. Plenty of it. Who knows? But one look at us and they don't wanna visit. Picture it. We look at all the before-and-after pictures from gyms, salons, the lot. Wonder what a before-and-after picture of Earth would look like. Before-and-after man(so far).Plastic surgery anyone.
And we want to decide on the planet tag of some poor mute mass. We must be the joke of the milky way. The laughing stock of all the universe. The target of the big bang. No wonder we don't get invited to any galaxy barbecues. Who would want us? The corrupt, morally bankrupt people so full of ourselves. Decadence central.
Acerbic you say. Apologies and an antacid. With my compliments.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Thursday, August 03, 2006
of waterloos and waterlessloos
Waterloo was where it ended. Perioded. Game over. Napoleon, he of the general fame(you can't deny it but the cheap humor is back). The man who told us that fighting units walk on gastric bags. He had a bad day. But in war when you have a bad day, they mean it. Dispatched to Elba. English being a language of accommodation went on to allow the liberal use of the name of this career-ending town. As a cricket-breathing, book-avoiding young man my waterloo of course was that great invention of mankind, Exams. Cloaked in misleading terms such as tests, assessments etc. Exams were(are) my waterloos. But then I had a knack. Uncanny. Vernacs were my bugbear family. Thus the term was coined apropos my allergies to language tests- waterless loos! This was India. There was water in the loos. H2O was ubiquitous with toilets. We washed our bottoms after nature-induced businesses. Paper ain't our thing. No water, no happy.
I get visa. Two tries. Board plane. Also twice. Suffer flying experience. Again twice. Go to loo. With magazine. After. Reach blind hand for faucet. For my cleansing tool. For my savior. Not there. Jeepers! Where is it? People say reality strikes this way and that and all that. But if she chooses to whack you on thy cranium in a bathroom, then you can as well train to be a professional wrestler. Alarm bells rang through my capillaries. My lungs grew tighter. Sheet of sweat across stunned body. Then I saw it. Right there. Harmlessly dangling like an innocent. White. Rolled. I used. Feared the worst. One doesn't take matters of the distal end of one's alimentary tract too lightly.
It wasn't too bad actually. Hope. I could get used to this, once I got over the mild inflammation[;-)]. This was no Kannada essay. Tempted to say easy as pie.
But then. When you need to clean something, do you paper it? Do you paper your car? Do you put your clothes into the papering machine? Why then?
People say I got it all wrong. Strong advocates for the paper and its power.
Its the change I tell you. New skill. For now, paper it is.
I get visa. Two tries. Board plane. Also twice. Suffer flying experience. Again twice. Go to loo. With magazine. After. Reach blind hand for faucet. For my cleansing tool. For my savior. Not there. Jeepers! Where is it? People say reality strikes this way and that and all that. But if she chooses to whack you on thy cranium in a bathroom, then you can as well train to be a professional wrestler. Alarm bells rang through my capillaries. My lungs grew tighter. Sheet of sweat across stunned body. Then I saw it. Right there. Harmlessly dangling like an innocent. White. Rolled. I used. Feared the worst. One doesn't take matters of the distal end of one's alimentary tract too lightly.
It wasn't too bad actually. Hope. I could get used to this, once I got over the mild inflammation[;-)]. This was no Kannada essay. Tempted to say easy as pie.
But then. When you need to clean something, do you paper it? Do you paper your car? Do you put your clothes into the papering machine? Why then?
People say I got it all wrong. Strong advocates for the paper and its power.
Its the change I tell you. New skill. For now, paper it is.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
I like
....previews before a movie
....and sitting on them
....the vastness of the sea
....walking barefoot at home fiction
....banana chips
....chocolate ice cream with chocolate chunks and chocolate sauce
....dining out
....good friends
....brown bags
....british accents
....Audrey Hepburn
....folding up my sleeves
....and sitting on them
....the vastness of the sea
....walking barefoot at home fiction
....banana chips
....chocolate ice cream with chocolate chunks and chocolate sauce
....dining out
....good friends
....brown bags
....british accents
....Audrey Hepburn
....folding up my sleeves
Friday, July 14, 2006
Its been a while. I know. Peace reigns on the internet. Why? Simple, silly. The Thotastrical is silent. Zipped up. Shhhhhed. A month. Oh I love this self-importance talk. I relish it. Chew it to the bone even. Why? Ask, my child. Query. Just because(favorite phrase from school-days) nobody else will do it. I live in my own narcissism. My private island of one where I am king, subject and little Tony.
The above paragraph clearly depicts how rustiness can set in (faster than you can say 'Ferrous oxide') when you put the blog pen down for a bit.
And yes, as my blog post title(BPT) clearly depicts an ocean was indeed crossed. Flown over. But I didn't look. Not a peek. Not from a small window high high high up in the sky. Yes its true. I do not enjoy this thing called flying. I cringe at the thought. Shake at the knees. But there I was. A million miles away from home. Jet-lagged and clumsy.
People ask each other. What do you see first when you are landing in a new country? Junta responds variously. I'm not people. I'm abnormal. Fool(me). I saw trees. With green leaves. Huh! That's me. I see trees. That's my sixth sense. Tree-awareness. Blessed art me.
[The rustiness won't go away. Stuck in my head like a cobweb.]
This is bound to stop enquiries about blog updates and commence those for blog deletion. Be gentle.
I was this evening, the lambish victim of a visual tag. Blindingly energy-draining as it was, I managed to respond. Now as they say, 'You're it'. By mere sight. Jack and Jill time.
She: " I think we should spend more time...
He : " Damn fool woman ! You want more time? Don't you see we are already spending way too much time together!?! We are doing every single thing like we are joined at the hip ! But don't let that worry you .You just keep clinging on to me like the vine of the year and life will pass us by !Whoosh..What we NEED to GET A LIFE ! Get it ?"
She: ... apart"
Above JacknJiller has been shamelessly copied from the original blog where I got tagged. [The blog that kicks this blog's ass 24/7]
And now my JacknJiller..
Jack: Lets go up the hill
Jill: Silly fool...Don't you remember the tumbling down last time?
Jack: But didn't the doctor tell us we lost our memories from the bumps on our heads
So leave your own JacknJillers
if you understood any section of this blog entry, kindly email me with complete explanation
The above paragraph clearly depicts how rustiness can set in (faster than you can say 'Ferrous oxide') when you put the blog pen down for a bit.
And yes, as my blog post title(BPT) clearly depicts an ocean was indeed crossed. Flown over. But I didn't look. Not a peek. Not from a small window high high high up in the sky. Yes its true. I do not enjoy this thing called flying. I cringe at the thought. Shake at the knees. But there I was. A million miles away from home. Jet-lagged and clumsy.
People ask each other. What do you see first when you are landing in a new country? Junta responds variously. I'm not people. I'm abnormal. Fool(me). I saw trees. With green leaves. Huh! That's me. I see trees. That's my sixth sense. Tree-awareness. Blessed art me.
[The rustiness won't go away. Stuck in my head like a cobweb.]
This is bound to stop enquiries about blog updates and commence those for blog deletion. Be gentle.
I was this evening, the lambish victim of a visual tag. Blindingly energy-draining as it was, I managed to respond. Now as they say, 'You're it'. By mere sight. Jack and Jill time.
She: " I think we should spend more time...
He : " Damn fool woman ! You want more time? Don't you see we are already spending way too much time together!?! We are doing every single thing like we are joined at the hip ! But don't let that worry you .You just keep clinging on to me like the vine of the year and life will pass us by !Whoosh..What we NEED to GET A LIFE ! Get it ?"
She: ... apart"
Above JacknJiller has been shamelessly copied from the original blog where I got tagged. [The blog that kicks this blog's ass 24/7]
And now my JacknJiller..
Jack: Lets go up the hill
Jill: Silly fool...Don't you remember the tumbling down last time?
Jack: But didn't the doctor tell us we lost our memories from the bumps on our heads
So leave your own JacknJillers
if you understood any section of this blog entry, kindly email me with complete explanation
Monday, June 12, 2006
Your Monster Profile |
![]() Mad Darkness You Feast On: Fried Chicken You Lurk Around In: Movie Theaters You Especially Like to Torment: Blondes |
Saturday, June 10, 2006
SIFS = Shopping Induced Fugue State syndrome
Shopping = what should have been the eighth deadly sin
Fugue = A pathological amnesiac condition during which one is apparently conscious of one's actions but has no recollection of them after returning to a normal state. This condition, usually resulting from severe mental stress, may persist for as long as several months.
I am a SLOB. Slow. Lazy. Obnoxious. Boy. Activity ain't my cuppa. Shopping (brrr) is activity. Work. Tedium. How can I like it? If it ended at likes and not-likes, fine. But no. Pathological it be. Fear-evoking.
I wanted stuff for a long trip. Had to end my shopping-celibacy. Lose the peace. Driven by mom. Walked (pushed) into sophisticated store. Salesman made clear his contempt for current attire. Stuck my tongue out at him. When he wasn't looking of course. Coward me be. Rubber-spine. Braced myself for worst. Worst it was.
Six hours and a buffet lunch later. There I was. Not tired. Not pooped. Not fatigued. But fugued. Zombie. No idea what just happened. Not a flicker of recollection. Maybe locked away in some deep dark recess of my brain. Pray the key is lost. Non-findable (liberties with the Queen's language).
As I slowly recover from the horrors of that fateful day, flashes manifest of what transpired. Standard wake-up-in-cold-sweats routine every night. I was their prey. Meat. They(salespeople of course) pounced. Sank claws,talons,fangs,teeth. I squealed. They didn't care. Italian threads with German technology. Latesht. Never seen before in these sh(t)ores . Monkeys 'r us. Me specifically.
How do eves do it? Ever so often. Wow. Applause. Should be a fascinating scientific paper. Really should. To all possessors of the Y chromosome. My sympathies. Undying support even. Go bravely. Fight. *Gulp* at thought.
Shopping = what should have been the eighth deadly sin
Fugue = A pathological amnesiac condition during which one is apparently conscious of one's actions but has no recollection of them after returning to a normal state. This condition, usually resulting from severe mental stress, may persist for as long as several months.
I am a SLOB. Slow. Lazy. Obnoxious. Boy. Activity ain't my cuppa. Shopping (brrr) is activity. Work. Tedium. How can I like it? If it ended at likes and not-likes, fine. But no. Pathological it be. Fear-evoking.
I wanted stuff for a long trip. Had to end my shopping-celibacy. Lose the peace. Driven by mom. Walked (pushed) into sophisticated store. Salesman made clear his contempt for current attire. Stuck my tongue out at him. When he wasn't looking of course. Coward me be. Rubber-spine. Braced myself for worst. Worst it was.
Six hours and a buffet lunch later. There I was. Not tired. Not pooped. Not fatigued. But fugued. Zombie. No idea what just happened. Not a flicker of recollection. Maybe locked away in some deep dark recess of my brain. Pray the key is lost. Non-findable (liberties with the Queen's language).
As I slowly recover from the horrors of that fateful day, flashes manifest of what transpired. Standard wake-up-in-cold-sweats routine every night. I was their prey. Meat. They(salespeople of course) pounced. Sank claws,talons,fangs,teeth. I squealed. They didn't care. Italian threads with German technology. Latesht. Never seen before in these sh(t)ores . Monkeys 'r us. Me specifically.
How do eves do it? Ever so often. Wow. Applause. Should be a fascinating scientific paper. Really should. To all possessors of the Y chromosome. My sympathies. Undying support even. Go bravely. Fight. *Gulp* at thought.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Rabbits,Headlights et al
I'm not
I've been known to (under the cover of darkness) sneak out in my red babe. Described by some jealous blokes as a jalopy. My car's got character I say. Integrity. Dedication. A drinking problem. I also possess an affection for long nocturnal journeys in mee car fostered by a constant diet of late-night jaunts in early life.
Picture this. Me driving. Midnight. Highway. Singing song (called braying by same jealous people). Suddenly I see the light. End-of-tunnelesque proportions. Panic. Sweat. Blinded. I can almost hear the angels playing their award-winning harps. Suddenly power cut. No shining. Can see again.Will live. Whoop of joy from night-time-drive-liker. But. Again comes this damned thing. Again and again. Where's the joy?
Its the midnight road salute. Bring on the high-beam. Watch the blue bullet on your display. See your innocent(read me) opponent squirm. Laugh. Gloat.Fart. Whatever. Its a fashion that will never die. A fad that will never fade.
Remember that poor rabbit. Who couldn't move. Caught in your powerful rays of unnecessity. Same one paralyzed by your luminescence. I was the bunny now. Call me Bugs.
Prophylaxis. Wore dark goggles. Dead of the night. Stepped out for rendezvous. Neighbor walking dog saw me. He laughed uncontrollably. Fell off the fourth floor. Suing me for mirth-induced damages. See. A little misdirected light.
The best combo for this madness. Driver A hits the beam. Driver B can't take this affront to ego. Beams back. Nice. Wonder why so many accidents on road? Its like countries nuking each other. One at a time. Canceling things out.
Bad habit. Lose it already.
. No way. No sirree. I don't like being made one. Its like making a
Capra aegagrus hircus
out of someone. I've been known to (under the cover of darkness) sneak out in my red babe. Described by some jealous blokes as a jalopy. My car's got character I say. Integrity. Dedication. A drinking problem. I also possess an affection for long nocturnal journeys in mee car fostered by a constant diet of late-night jaunts in early life.
Picture this. Me driving. Midnight. Highway. Singing song (called braying by same jealous people). Suddenly I see the light. End-of-tunnelesque proportions. Panic. Sweat. Blinded. I can almost hear the angels playing their award-winning harps. Suddenly power cut. No shining. Can see again.Will live. Whoop of joy from night-time-drive-liker. But. Again comes this damned thing. Again and again. Where's the joy?
Its the midnight road salute. Bring on the high-beam. Watch the blue bullet on your display. See your innocent(read me) opponent squirm. Laugh. Gloat.Fart. Whatever. Its a fashion that will never die. A fad that will never fade.
Remember that poor rabbit. Who couldn't move. Caught in your powerful rays of unnecessity. Same one paralyzed by your luminescence. I was the bunny now. Call me Bugs.
Prophylaxis. Wore dark goggles. Dead of the night. Stepped out for rendezvous. Neighbor walking dog saw me. He laughed uncontrollably. Fell off the fourth floor. Suing me for mirth-induced damages. See. A little misdirected light.
The best combo for this madness. Driver A hits the beam. Driver B can't take this affront to ego. Beams back. Nice. Wonder why so many accidents on road? Its like countries nuking each other. One at a time. Canceling things out.
Bad habit. Lose it already.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
The Fine Art of Spitting
The following piece is graphic in content. Reader discretion advised. Ilost my lunch just writing it.
It was the patterns. They got me. Morphology unlimited. Hues of red/amber/vermilion. Take your pick. Sometimes colorless. They were everywhere. Crept into the mind's eye. Indefatigable. More powerful in presence than that favorite symbol of the Indian landscape, the mosquito.
I stepped out one fine morning. Feeling nice and dandy. This chap gave me a demo. Sucked back. Smirk on face. Delivered with aplomb. Fine spray barely missing moi. Ugly stare to man. Man shrugs shoulders. Gets ready for round 2. I have limited wardrobe. Just bathed after mom petitioned High Court. I ran. Sped. Disappeared. I love to give up.
The prostate gland as is well-known is a single. No colleagues. Still most women (sorry all) will confirm that it is the most overworked gland in male humans. Same human possesses several salivary glands. Many. Meant to aid digestion and speaking and fund our favorite pastime, Spitting. Have glands will spray.
Our wonderful roads are world-famous for a myriad reasons. Among them potholes (who can resist a pothole reference) and spit patterns. One, more glorious than the other. Using the tar as an innocent canvas humans are such fine artists. Gory. Disgusting. Gut-wrenching.
Animals of the world urinate to delineate their territory. We spit. Use the saliva to mark our world. Get into a bus, spit out the window. Get out of a bus, spit. Using a lift, spit. Using the stairs, spit. See a spittoon? Spit by its side. We are the champions my friend.We'll keep on spitting till the end.
Mind you. Spitting is good for us. Otherwise we would't do it. Not us. It keeps us humble. How? Head-down while walking on road. Avoiding the red beauties. Becomes a part of behavior. A modest,non-assuming race is defined.
Agility. Yes. Evading saliva artwork. Will make a super- athletic people.
That's the logic.
Movie to watch compulsorily: My Cousin Vinny
It was the patterns. They got me. Morphology unlimited. Hues of red/amber/vermilion. Take your pick. Sometimes colorless. They were everywhere. Crept into the mind's eye. Indefatigable. More powerful in presence than that favorite symbol of the Indian landscape, the mosquito.
I stepped out one fine morning. Feeling nice and dandy. This chap gave me a demo. Sucked back. Smirk on face. Delivered with aplomb. Fine spray barely missing moi. Ugly stare to man. Man shrugs shoulders. Gets ready for round 2. I have limited wardrobe. Just bathed after mom petitioned High Court. I ran. Sped. Disappeared. I love to give up.
The prostate gland as is well-known is a single. No colleagues. Still most women (sorry all) will confirm that it is the most overworked gland in male humans. Same human possesses several salivary glands. Many. Meant to aid digestion and speaking and fund our favorite pastime, Spitting. Have glands will spray.
Our wonderful roads are world-famous for a myriad reasons. Among them potholes (who can resist a pothole reference) and spit patterns. One, more glorious than the other. Using the tar as an innocent canvas humans are such fine artists. Gory. Disgusting. Gut-wrenching.
Animals of the world urinate to delineate their territory. We spit. Use the saliva to mark our world. Get into a bus, spit out the window. Get out of a bus, spit. Using a lift, spit. Using the stairs, spit. See a spittoon? Spit by its side. We are the champions my friend.We'll keep on spitting till the end.
Mind you. Spitting is good for us. Otherwise we would't do it. Not us. It keeps us humble. How? Head-down while walking on road. Avoiding the red beauties. Becomes a part of behavior. A modest,non-assuming race is defined.
Agility. Yes. Evading saliva artwork. Will make a super- athletic people.
That's the logic.
Movie to watch compulsorily: My Cousin Vinny
Saturday, May 27, 2006
The AjjiBujjiKere(ABK) phenomenon
Things you need to know before proceeding
Ajji = old lady,grandma
Bujji = crushed,smashed - for this piece it is considered an english word and thus used in various forms like any self-respecting english word eg: bujjified, bujjifying, bujjied
Kere = snake of the rat..he he he...ratsnake i.e. snake that limits rat population
ABK = the phenomenon that was a vital part of my primary school days
It was PT period (you know...1-2-3-4 drill...the melee for the deflated footy). Little Ramu(say) went to retrieve ball from near gutter. Unbeknownst to this math-fearing, teacher-respecting, mugging-specialist there is some spillover from gutter content. Nothing mutagenic (i.e. can be washed off with apna dettol). But, its there. Ramu in his haste to pouch ball steps on yucky matter.Looks at his hawaii chappal in dismay. Tries to cover/wipeoff damage. Too late. Sham, yes, the one with the baritone voice witnesseth. Screams. AJJIBUJJIKERE rents the air.Horrifying. Ramu's spirit crumbles. Can he make it to the next tap? Can he make it in life? Ramu turns around. The till-now crowded PT field looks like the school library. Empty. Everyone has scooted. Saving themselves. Their souls. Their dignity.
But Ramu being a creature who hasn't yet encountered an entrance exam doesn't give in easy. He hunts. Like a tiger after a seven-day crash diet. Hungry. Eager. Vengeful. Finds little Frida. Cowering in fear. Attempting to hide behind the trunk of a tree. ABK he yells. More with relief. But wait a minute. What does little Frida have? Clutched in her left hand. A leaf! GREEN!! GREEN!! She dangles the savior with nonchalant ease. Ramu is crushed again. He sets off again. He must find non-green-possessing child to transfer this ABK. He must.
Well, whatever happened to Ramu I'm not sure but ABK was the phenomenon that ruled my limited-vision world as a primary school attendee. It was like the sword of Damocles that hung over our tender necks. We never knew who would be next? When would be next? Where would be next? Haunting.
Legend says (atleast the legend I have coffee with every tuesday) that ABK originated in the early 1700s. The story goes thus (if anyone disagrees then I will do karate for you).
There was this old lady. You know the type.Late 60s. Active. Kind-hearted. Betel-nut chewing.Jasmine flowers in oiled hair. On her way to the village fair. Spring in arthritic step. Folk song in heart. As she was walking, she felt that uncomfy squishy feeling under her left foot, only to look down in dismay to see a kere(ratsnake-remember) writhing in pain due to her bujjifying left foot. Hissing the choicest kere abuses he slithered away into the bushes to nurse his bujjified body back to its rat-hunting best (relax, nobody dies in my stories). This incident was observed by the Kere Gods. They obviously weren't too happy(Kere population figures were at an all-time low and acts like these certainly wouldn't help). Curse they hissed. Curse. But, wait one minute. Ajji was draped in a parrot- green saree (sent by son in phoreen). Gods were in dilemma now. Why you may wonder? Green was their patron color. Green was their gold. They couldn't punish granny now. A Kere law was passed. AJJIBUJJIKERE for any yucky steppings from now on. Possessing green will give immunity. However, an ABK individual can pass it on to some other unsuspecting non-green soul and rid himself/herself of the ABK tag. Thus, a hex was born. To terrorize thousands of school children in the years to come.
There are other fables (not true) about the origin of ABK by other 'experts' in this field. However, efforts are on to initiate a PhD position in ABK studies. One only hopes the truth (see above) will be established soon.
Wah-Duuh girl
Choop Suri
Sujju Baba
Stanny my boy
I promise to share TV and film rights with you guys
Ajji = old lady,grandma
Bujji = crushed,smashed - for this piece it is considered an english word and thus used in various forms like any self-respecting english word eg: bujjified, bujjifying, bujjied
Kere = snake of the rat..he he he...ratsnake i.e. snake that limits rat population
ABK = the phenomenon that was a vital part of my primary school days
It was PT period (you know...1-2-3-4 drill...the melee for the deflated footy). Little Ramu(say) went to retrieve ball from near gutter. Unbeknownst to this math-fearing, teacher-respecting, mugging-specialist there is some spillover from gutter content. Nothing mutagenic (i.e. can be washed off with apna dettol). But, its there. Ramu in his haste to pouch ball steps on yucky matter.Looks at his hawaii chappal in dismay. Tries to cover/wipeoff damage. Too late. Sham, yes, the one with the baritone voice witnesseth. Screams. AJJIBUJJIKERE rents the air.Horrifying. Ramu's spirit crumbles. Can he make it to the next tap? Can he make it in life? Ramu turns around. The till-now crowded PT field looks like the school library. Empty. Everyone has scooted. Saving themselves. Their souls. Their dignity.
But Ramu being a creature who hasn't yet encountered an entrance exam doesn't give in easy. He hunts. Like a tiger after a seven-day crash diet. Hungry. Eager. Vengeful. Finds little Frida. Cowering in fear. Attempting to hide behind the trunk of a tree. ABK he yells. More with relief. But wait a minute. What does little Frida have? Clutched in her left hand. A leaf! GREEN!! GREEN!! She dangles the savior with nonchalant ease. Ramu is crushed again. He sets off again. He must find non-green-possessing child to transfer this ABK. He must.
Well, whatever happened to Ramu I'm not sure but ABK was the phenomenon that ruled my limited-vision world as a primary school attendee. It was like the sword of Damocles that hung over our tender necks. We never knew who would be next? When would be next? Where would be next? Haunting.
Legend says (atleast the legend I have coffee with every tuesday) that ABK originated in the early 1700s. The story goes thus (if anyone disagrees then I will do karate for you).
There was this old lady. You know the type.Late 60s. Active. Kind-hearted. Betel-nut chewing.Jasmine flowers in oiled hair. On her way to the village fair. Spring in arthritic step. Folk song in heart. As she was walking, she felt that uncomfy squishy feeling under her left foot, only to look down in dismay to see a kere(ratsnake-remember) writhing in pain due to her bujjifying left foot. Hissing the choicest kere abuses he slithered away into the bushes to nurse his bujjified body back to its rat-hunting best (relax, nobody dies in my stories). This incident was observed by the Kere Gods. They obviously weren't too happy(Kere population figures were at an all-time low and acts like these certainly wouldn't help). Curse they hissed. Curse. But, wait one minute. Ajji was draped in a parrot- green saree (sent by son in phoreen). Gods were in dilemma now. Why you may wonder? Green was their patron color. Green was their gold. They couldn't punish granny now. A Kere law was passed. AJJIBUJJIKERE for any yucky steppings from now on. Possessing green will give immunity. However, an ABK individual can pass it on to some other unsuspecting non-green soul and rid himself/herself of the ABK tag. Thus, a hex was born. To terrorize thousands of school children in the years to come.
There are other fables (not true) about the origin of ABK by other 'experts' in this field. However, efforts are on to initiate a PhD position in ABK studies. One only hopes the truth (see above) will be established soon.
Wah-Duuh girl
Choop Suri
Sujju Baba
Stanny my boy
I promise to share TV and film rights with you guys
Friday, May 26, 2006
Are you a LOLaholic?
LOLaholism - Found in 'net-savvy' (lol) people of age 17-29. Common in both sexes. Insidious onset, rapid progression. Response to treatment is highly subjective.
If you have any of these symptoms, then you are afflicted by this emerging problem named LOLaholism. Do not worry. Help is available.
Call 1-800-NOLOL today
issued in public interest by,
LOLaholics Anonymous - Its no laughing matter
- Do you burst into LOLs when somebody cracks a joke?
- Do you have a LOLmeter to rate comedies?
- Do you keep telling everyone how much nicer 'November Rain' would sound with a few LOLs in it?
- Do you tell people to have a LOLy day?
- Do people call you LOLo? (and you do not resemble Karishma Kapoor)
- Do you have your comp maintenance dude on speed dial? (to replace keys L and O)
If you have any of these symptoms, then you are afflicted by this emerging problem named LOLaholism. Do not worry. Help is available.
Call 1-800-NOLOL today
issued in public interest by,
LOLaholics Anonymous - Its no laughing matter
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
just lounge it!!
The triangle had been formed. It took all of 243 seconds, not that I was counting, a mere estimate. But then, how do you evaluate bliss time? How? My lower back formed the hypotenuse of this instrument of joy. The super comfy lounge cushions made up the other two sides. Thoughts ran through my head or did they? I don't remember. It was like a flow of imagination had broken out but at a subconscious level. Ecstasy without effort.
Lounging for long has been a favourite pastime for yours truly. Whether it is in the lobby of a 'posh' hotel or the hardwood benches of the corner coffee shop I have always indulged in it with enthusiastic fervor. People would look at me and feel superior to my apparent good-for-nothing existence. I didn't care. I couldn't. I was in heaven remember. I wish they could feel what I was experiencing. They would think differently then.
It doesn't matter what you do while you lounge. You could be getting your nicotine rush, sipping your preferred beverage, reading a book, staring at the ceiling, anything. Its just the feeling of this 'activity' that takes you away to a different dimension. If I had a penny for every minute I
And, if your lower back still hits your choice of furniture. Slide. Before its too late. Lounge. Try.
book to lounge with : Freakonomics
Lounging for long has been a favourite pastime for yours truly. Whether it is in the lobby of a 'posh' hotel or the hardwood benches of the corner coffee shop I have always indulged in it with enthusiastic fervor. People would look at me and feel superior to my apparent good-for-nothing existence. I didn't care. I couldn't. I was in heaven remember. I wish they could feel what I was experiencing. They would think differently then.
It doesn't matter what you do while you lounge. You could be getting your nicotine rush, sipping your preferred beverage, reading a book, staring at the ceiling, anything. Its just the feeling of this 'activity' that takes you away to a different dimension. If I had a penny for every minute I
And, if your lower back still hits your choice of furniture. Slide. Before its too late. Lounge. Try.
book to lounge with : Freakonomics
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
the dynamics of having a swedish middle-name
Bjorn- say it like beyond but without the 'd'
Cut to 1976. The Wimbledon Gentlemen's Singles Finals is in full swing as Bjorn Borg beats the wily Romanian Ilie Nastase in 3 sets. 'A new star is B(j)orn' screams a newspaper the next day. Accolades deluge the 'Iceman' ( he never lost his temper on court and was said to have a pulse rate constantly in the 30s!) and miles and miles away a fan is born of the great man, somewhere in Chandigrah, India. This fan goes on to have a son in 1981 and decides that he must be named after the master and thus yours truly has an exotic, swedish middle-name! Borg didn't stop at 1976. He came back in 1977 and repeated Wimbledon. Realising this was child's play(!) he marched on to 3 more victories '78-'80. Thus, becoming the only man ever to have 5 wimbys in a row. My dad, was an anaesthesiologist and had another Bjorn hero. A doctor called Bjorn Ipsen, whose work in the field of mech ventilators saved many lives in Copenhagen(not sure of the details). So, there I was with an unpronouncable middle-name in my arsenal and ready to take on the world (yeah sure)
The following are the various versions/mutilations my beloved middle-name received over the years,
Bon-Bon - from my kindergarten teacher....loved this nick...she still calls me this
Beejorn - very common...usually by new school teachers, overeager to make a performance out of attendance
Bajorn - like the previous one...variety is the spice of attendance too
Beejahoran - I don't even wanna start,luckily this was a one-off in some hall ticket
B. Jain - How innovative!Wonder what they thought the new 'B' stood for
Also, there are two distinct reactions I get to the discovery of the 'Bjorn' in my name. One is absolute surprise mixed with amusement and a barrage of queries. The other, is just indifference, almost like its the commonest middle-name in Asia! When something looks dicey (middle-names have been known to carry out savage attacks) people generally try to avoid it like it never exists. So some people won't go anywhere near 'Bjorn' even with a 9-foot barge pole.I also told a girl once that I was a 4th generation Swede who was forcibly brought to India from Sweden!! (heh heh - my cheap humor)
And finally, some other famous Bjorns I've come across
from the band 'ABBA' - one of the Bs is a Bjorn
the singer Bjork - ok ok..there's a point mutation..but I'm keeping it
pro- golfer Thomas Bjorn - stop rolling your
if you find more....lemme know..I'll buy you some candy
Cut to 1976. The Wimbledon Gentlemen's Singles Finals is in full swing as Bjorn Borg beats the wily Romanian Ilie Nastase in 3 sets. 'A new star is B(j)orn' screams a newspaper the next day. Accolades deluge the 'Iceman' ( he never lost his temper on court and was said to have a pulse rate constantly in the 30s!) and miles and miles away a fan is born of the great man, somewhere in Chandigrah, India. This fan goes on to have a son in 1981 and decides that he must be named after the master and thus yours truly has an exotic, swedish middle-name! Borg didn't stop at 1976. He came back in 1977 and repeated Wimbledon. Realising this was child's play(!) he marched on to 3 more victories '78-'80. Thus, becoming the only man ever to have 5 wimbys in a row. My dad, was an anaesthesiologist and had another Bjorn hero. A doctor called Bjorn Ipsen, whose work in the field of mech ventilators saved many lives in Copenhagen(not sure of the details). So, there I was with an unpronouncable middle-name in my arsenal and ready to take on the world (yeah sure)
The following are the various versions/mutilations my beloved middle-name received over the years,
Bon-Bon - from my kindergarten teacher....loved this nick...she still calls me this
Beejorn - very common...usually by new school teachers, overeager to make a performance out of attendance
Bajorn - like the previous one...variety is the spice of attendance too
Beejahoran - I don't even wanna start,luckily this was a one-off in some hall ticket
B. Jain - How innovative!Wonder what they thought the new 'B' stood for
Also, there are two distinct reactions I get to the discovery of the 'Bjorn' in my name. One is absolute surprise mixed with amusement and a barrage of queries. The other, is just indifference, almost like its the commonest middle-name in Asia! When something looks dicey (middle-names have been known to carry out savage attacks) people generally try to avoid it like it never exists. So some people won't go anywhere near 'Bjorn' even with a 9-foot barge pole.I also told a girl once that I was a 4th generation Swede who was forcibly brought to India from Sweden!! (heh heh - my cheap humor)
And finally, some other famous Bjorns I've come across
from the band 'ABBA' - one of the Bs is a Bjorn
the singer Bjork - ok ok..there's a point mutation..but I'm keeping it
pro- golfer Thomas Bjorn - stop rolling your
if you find more....lemme know..I'll buy you some candy
Monday, May 08, 2006
the origin of chicken 65 - my version
The following is purely based on what a dear friend told me.Any anger/disbelief/brickbats can be directed at him ( ask me for contact details..heh heh). Anyway I found it fascinating.
NOTE: Geographical references maybe messed up.Kindly excuse.
We roamed the streets of Chennai. First gulping down some bread-omlette at this famous gaadi shop in Egmore(I think).Fingerlicking stuff. Then hopped onto the bike and roamed some more. Saw an accident. It was gonna be eventful this night. You could smell it in the air even with a cold!
Finally found our way onto Mount Road. Gaped at the Hindu office. My friend, almost nonchalantly asked me whether yours truly knew about chicken 65. I looked at him incredulously, which confirmed that I indeed had. He then proceeded to stump me with the do-you-know-why-its-called-that question.Taking my silence for a no he gave his machine some torque and we landed at this ancient place called Buhari. Its a small place, obviously revamped recently for a more modish look. He told me that the famous chicken 65 originated here and is so named because it used to be item number 65 on the retaurant's menu!! We didn't have time for much more talk as we sank our fangs into that red heaven they call 65 at Buhari. Yummy in my tummy!
Of course, there are many other stories to the name, like 65 ingredients required to make it (yeah sure), 65 days to make it ( i nearly fell off my chair when i saw this), using only chicken with 65 feathers (that one i just made up) etc...I mean as long as they keep belting it out by the plateful what does it matter.
Another day. Another discovery.
PS: Had a solid dose of petrichor today evening. Magical experience. Magical.
Book to read : for good timepass- Q and A
NOTE: Geographical references maybe messed up.Kindly excuse.
We roamed the streets of Chennai. First gulping down some bread-omlette at this famous gaadi shop in Egmore(I think).Fingerlicking stuff. Then hopped onto the bike and roamed some more. Saw an accident. It was gonna be eventful this night. You could smell it in the air even with a cold!
Finally found our way onto Mount Road. Gaped at the Hindu office. My friend, almost nonchalantly asked me whether yours truly knew about chicken 65. I looked at him incredulously, which confirmed that I indeed had. He then proceeded to stump me with the do-you-know-why-its-called-that question.Taking my silence for a no he gave his machine some torque and we landed at this ancient place called Buhari. Its a small place, obviously revamped recently for a more modish look. He told me that the famous chicken 65 originated here and is so named because it used to be item number 65 on the retaurant's menu!! We didn't have time for much more talk as we sank our fangs into that red heaven they call 65 at Buhari. Yummy in my tummy!
Of course, there are many other stories to the name, like 65 ingredients required to make it (yeah sure), 65 days to make it ( i nearly fell off my chair when i saw this), using only chicken with 65 feathers (that one i just made up) etc...I mean as long as they keep belting it out by the plateful what does it matter.
Another day. Another discovery.
PS: Had a solid dose of petrichor today evening. Magical experience. Magical.
Book to read : for good timepass- Q and A
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
the unbearable difficulty of queueing
No, its not about the queueing theory. It can't be I don't know what the queueing theory is. Damn! Its tough typing queueing in. I've lost my sense of spelling (sniff sniff). Anyways,
An MCQ for all you entrance exam junkies,
What have we not inherited/adopted from the brits
a) cricket
b) the english language
c) super huge buildings like the Rashtrapathi Bhavan
d) the ability to form an orderly queue
and the answer is (drum roll............) D....if you didn't get that do not is on the way
Lemme start with a simple example which just happens to be a brutally true story (ok the brutally shouldn't be there..but what the heck, this is MY blog). I was at the train station the other day to pick up a friend and being the law-abiding (ahem) citizen that I am, I proceeded to the platform ticket counter where there was a grand total of one person buying his ticket. I walked up leisurely and noticed from the corner of my eye that someone else was approaching this counter. But, fleet-footed as I am (ahem again) I happened to reach a micromilli second before this other chap, but, he wouldn't have any of it. He shoved his hand across my beer belly and tried to get his ticket. All he got was me being ticked off!! I gave him a piece of my mind (and then took it back.. I need all I got!!) and proceeded to have an unnecessary argument in front of the counter. Finally we both walked away platform tickets firmly clutched in our palms each convinced the other was a fruitcake.
So, do we have a queueing culture? I mean is it in us? All of us? Hell no. Take the movie Rang De Basanti. Good movie. Many people loved it and rushed off to the nearest ammo store to stock up (kiddin..kiddin). I mean the movie instills a sense of pride of being an Indian and being responsible ( though I totally condemn vigilante justice). There was this story doing the rounds about people burning/tearing their H1B visas ( if you've read my previous post you'd probably know that there was no way I would check the veracity of that story) and stuff like that. But the funny thing is, for all that adrenaline pumping through the veins in the name of improvement, the queues outside cinemas showing RDB that I saw were all disorderly and many of these people were coming in to watch for a second or third time. I might have been confusing in this paragraph, but what I'm saying is we do know that we need to queue up but we don't bother. I wish that would change. Sincerely do.
Every year when the preeminent tennis tournament of the world, Wimbledon commences in June, we see telly pics of people literally camping on the pavements waiting to get their tickets the next morning. Not one of them breaks the order. You come first, you in first. You come 173rd, you in 173rd. I read somewhere that during the 7/7 bombings in London, the brits were so orderly during evacuation procedures that even a single individual formed a queue! I'm no brit-fanatic but I feel that we as a people must adopt this culture. We'll be better off with it. I'm sure.
word of the day: petrichor ['pe-trê-ko(r) or -tri-] the smell of rain on dry ground word
An MCQ for all you entrance exam junkies,
What have we not inherited/adopted from the brits
a) cricket
b) the english language
c) super huge buildings like the Rashtrapathi Bhavan
d) the ability to form an orderly queue
and the answer is (drum roll............) D....if you didn't get that do not is on the way
Lemme start with a simple example which just happens to be a brutally true story (ok the brutally shouldn't be there..but what the heck, this is MY blog). I was at the train station the other day to pick up a friend and being the law-abiding (ahem) citizen that I am, I proceeded to the platform ticket counter where there was a grand total of one person buying his ticket. I walked up leisurely and noticed from the corner of my eye that someone else was approaching this counter. But, fleet-footed as I am (ahem again) I happened to reach a micromilli second before this other chap, but, he wouldn't have any of it. He shoved his hand across my beer belly and tried to get his ticket. All he got was me being ticked off!! I gave him a piece of my mind (and then took it back.. I need all I got!!) and proceeded to have an unnecessary argument in front of the counter. Finally we both walked away platform tickets firmly clutched in our palms each convinced the other was a fruitcake.
So, do we have a queueing culture? I mean is it in us? All of us? Hell no. Take the movie Rang De Basanti. Good movie. Many people loved it and rushed off to the nearest ammo store to stock up (kiddin..kiddin). I mean the movie instills a sense of pride of being an Indian and being responsible ( though I totally condemn vigilante justice). There was this story doing the rounds about people burning/tearing their H1B visas ( if you've read my previous post you'd probably know that there was no way I would check the veracity of that story) and stuff like that. But the funny thing is, for all that adrenaline pumping through the veins in the name of improvement, the queues outside cinemas showing RDB that I saw were all disorderly and many of these people were coming in to watch for a second or third time. I might have been confusing in this paragraph, but what I'm saying is we do know that we need to queue up but we don't bother. I wish that would change. Sincerely do.
Every year when the preeminent tennis tournament of the world, Wimbledon commences in June, we see telly pics of people literally camping on the pavements waiting to get their tickets the next morning. Not one of them breaks the order. You come first, you in first. You come 173rd, you in 173rd. I read somewhere that during the 7/7 bombings in London, the brits were so orderly during evacuation procedures that even a single individual formed a queue! I'm no brit-fanatic but I feel that we as a people must adopt this culture. We'll be better off with it. I'm sure.
word of the day: petrichor ['pe-trê-ko(r) or -tri-] the smell of rain on dry ground word
Monday, May 01, 2006
then he went around the world...twice...before he posted his second one
Well its official, my laziness is certifiable. Yippee!! Gonna laminate this beauty and hang it on my prettiest wall for all to gawk. I'm gonna be the star of my neighborhood. Wait a minute. Wait just one minute. What neighborhood? I don't even know the name of my next-door neighbor!! How do you like that? I'm lazy, I like to show off and I'm anti-social. Wonderful. Just wonderful. It ain't been a good last few days for me. Thought I'd just slip that in to leave you in a sense of suspense plus sow the seed of sympathy for myself. Cunning ain't I? Holy long list of qualities Batman!!
a) lazy (certified)
b) show-off
c) anti-social (almost like I have a neighbor called neighbor-sad situation sadder joke)
d) cunning
Ok so if you're still reading this by now, I admire your fortitude (testicular or otherwise). Was watching Anthony Bourdain on Travel and Living this evening. That man is good!! He swears at the drop of a hat and makes it sound like he was cooing to a baby. Wish I had a job like that.
All righty then. Till next time whenever that may be. Ciao.
This time's book to read : TIN FISH
a) lazy (certified)
b) show-off
c) anti-social (almost like I have a neighbor called neighbor-sad situation sadder joke)
d) cunning
Ok so if you're still reading this by now, I admire your fortitude (testicular or otherwise). Was watching Anthony Bourdain on Travel and Living this evening. That man is good!! He swears at the drop of a hat and makes it sound like he was cooing to a baby. Wish I had a job like that.
All righty then. Till next time whenever that may be. Ciao.
This time's book to read : TIN FISH
Saturday, February 25, 2006
hullo fellow netizens,
its too late now...i've already registered my blog...couldn't help you people have to live with it...face it...tolerate it...endure it and hopefully let it out tomorrow morning!!
its too late now...i've already registered my blog...couldn't help you people have to live with it...face it...tolerate it...endure it and hopefully let it out tomorrow morning!!
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