Monday, May 01, 2006

then he went around the world...twice...before he posted his second one

Well its official, my laziness is certifiable. Yippee!! Gonna laminate this beauty and hang it on my prettiest wall for all to gawk. I'm gonna be the star of my neighborhood. Wait a minute. Wait just one minute. What neighborhood? I don't even know the name of my next-door neighbor!! How do you like that? I'm lazy, I like to show off and I'm anti-social. Wonderful. Just wonderful. It ain't been a good last few days for me. Thought I'd just slip that in to leave you in a sense of suspense plus sow the seed of sympathy for myself. Cunning ain't I? Holy long list of qualities Batman!!
a) lazy (certified)
b) show-off
c) anti-social (almost like I have a neighbor called neighbor-sad situation sadder joke)
d) cunning

Ok so if you're still reading this by now, I admire your fortitude (testicular or otherwise). Was watching Anthony Bourdain on Travel and Living this evening. That man is good!! He swears at the drop of a hat and makes it sound like he was cooing to a baby. Wish I had a job like that.
All righty then. Till next time whenever that may be. Ciao.

This time's book to read : TIN FISH

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is lazy, I can certify that :)
Cunning?? I dont think so

Angel of darkness would be more appropriate
